
Embedded Human Touch for a Pioneer in Digitalization

Sound Identity


The IT provider emphasizes naturalness and humanity through sound and thus underlines that, despite all technology, it is always about working between and for people.

Abraxas Brand Movie

Abraxas and VRSG merge to become Switzerland's largest provider of IT solutions for the public sector. DoN developed the acoustic brand identity for the new company.

Sound Logo


Abraxas creates orientation for its customers in a digital world full of possibilities. This pioneering character is at the heart of the new brand. While on the visual level simple, clear and striking elements give the brand a signal-like and directional character, the auditory level is intended to emphasize an organic and natural component. This is intended to convey that – for all the technology – it is always about working between and for people.


This basic conceptual idea could be translated very tangibly into sound by means of a 5/4 beat and classical instrumentation. This approach results in the feeling of an organically flowing narrative. Based on this, various different expressions for multimedia applications, an Event Sound Kit and an Audio Logo were produced.


Audio Strategy

Sound Logo

Video Scores

Event Sound Kit

Webmeeting Sound Kit

Markus Kaufmann

DoN convinced us with a pragmatic approach, competence and virtuosity in implementation.

Their uncomplicated cooperation and the speedy implementation accommodated our very tight schedule perfectly. I always felt well understood during the development process and always enjoyed the successful sound ideas. Today, we are proud of our new brand image, which is also audibly convincing. Thank you guys for the good work!

Markus Kaufmann – Abraxas

Informatik AG

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